Helping a Single Mother in Need

There is a strong connection between poverty and gender. Women and children are at a much higher risk of sliding into extreme poverty due to a multitude of reasons, mainly the fact that developing countries like Cambodia don’t have any social welfare programs set in place to support those in need.

Chanthou was five months pregnant with her second child when her husband left her. She suddenly found herself on her own with her three-year-old daughter, facing numerous pregnancy-related medical bills with many more to come once she would welcome her son. Without receiving alimonies and child support or having any savings to fall back on, Chanthou was in desperate need of support.

Thomlang – Cambodian Youth Support stepped in and supported the 31-year-old through the coverage of her hospital expenses, as well as monthly financial support after the delivery of her beautiful baby.

Read her letter, which she wrote last December:

Dear Cambodian Youth Support,

My name is Chanthou. I’m 31 years old. Now I have two children. My daughter’s name is Chany, she is three years old. My newborn is a boy, his name is Chanovin. He is 3 months old and I am so happy that he is healthy now. Unfortunately, he struggled with health issues after he was born, which is why I had to face lots of expensive medical bills.

I live in a rural village in Oudong district, Kampong Spue province. I am a single mother and am currently living with my two children at my mother’s place. I am sad to admit that we are really poor at the moment, and I can’t provide for my family.

I am planning to rejoin the workforce as soon as I can, but due to the many health issues that my baby had, I am still too weak to go to work. Also, my son is only three months old, and he still needs a lot of care and attention.

I would like to thank you so much for your support. Thanks to your donations, I can afford milk, diapers, food, and other necessities that we really need every day.

Thank you so much for helping me during these trying times. I truly appreciate your support.

All the best,

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