Srey Mom’s Journey From University To The Workforce

Srey Mom is an ambitious 24-year-old girl who dreams of a big career. As an orphan, however, she doesn’t have a traditional familial background that can support her education or that she can turn to for professional career advice. Thomlang – Cambodian Youth Support meets the unique needs of students like Srey Mom through pairing their interests and goals with opportunities to expand upon...

Chovey’s ACE Course

English language proficiency is crucial in Phnom Penh’s modern labor market. As Cambodia’s capital continues to grow, international job opportunities are becoming increasingly common, and require English proficiency their applicants. Thomlang – Cambodian Youth Support puts great emphasis on preparing the young adults for a job market, that will continue to develop and change drastically...

International Women’s Day

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY Today we are celebrating strong Khmer women of all ages! From little girls with big dreams to college graduates and business owners. We are celebrating mothers, grandmothers, and role models who have raised and inspired today's generation. Join us in continuing to empower women in Cambodia! Donate

Supporting Gung With A Moto

Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh has been making a lot of progress in recent years. International businesses and companies are attracted to the metropolis and offer a variety of high-pay jobs. Big investors are constructing new towers everywhere, which modernizes the city’s center fast. A lot of money has been put into the improvement of Phnom Penh’s infrastructure. While most streets within...