Saratna’s And Ganchena’s English Course

Saratna and Ganchena are both students at the National University of Management in Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh. They are pursuing careers in the Marketing and Management fields, which both require high English language skills as a fundamental job qualification. In order to better their chances at landing high-pay jobs, Thomlang – Cambodian Youth Support encouraged both students to enroll in...

Chovey’s ACE Course

English language proficiency is crucial in Phnom Penh’s modern labor market. As Cambodia’s capital continues to grow, international job opportunities are becoming increasingly common, and require English proficiency their applicants. Thomlang – Cambodian Youth Support puts great emphasis on preparing the young adults for a job market, that will continue to develop and change drastically...

Srey Pit’s Journey To Becoming A Makeup Artist

Srey Pit had been the sole provider for her grandmother and her cousin for many years. This is the reason why she had always felt the need to find work fast in order to earn as much money as she could to take care of her only remaining family members. Unfortunately, this led to her accepting several low-pay jobs, for instance as a street food seller or waitress, for many years – until she...

Srey Nich’s And Gung’s Progress In English School

Thomlang – Cambodian Youth Support is committed to enabling young Cambodians in obtaining various degrees and certificates, that will better their chances in Cambodia’s modern and ever-growing job market.This is the reason why we encouraged Gung and Srey Nich, who are two young and ambitious university students who dream of working for international organizations in the future, to enroll in...

Student Support in Phnom Penh

Since the beginning of the year, Thomlang – Cambodian Youth Support has been supporting six students in Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh. Five of these students are currently enrolled in university, one is enrolled in trade school. Our monthly financial support helps these students in various ways, such as covering their rent, transportation costs, medical costs, and other daily expenses. At...