New Phones For Saratna And Aung

Phones connect us not only to each other but also to information. This is especially true in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since March 2020, all schools in Cambodia have been physically boarded to students, and classes have been held virtually. 


Our students, Saratna and Aung, enrolled in university in January of 2021 and were forced to make the educational transition to virtual learning when the pandemic hit. Their phones could have been an obstacle to this access as they did not have a reliable internet connection. 

However, with your support, CYS was able to provide them with smartphones so that they could continue their daily classes. Both Saratna and Aung, have continued to perform exceptionally well since receiving these new phones. 


Our commitment to long-term investment in our student’s education allowed us to adapt to the changing educational landscape and provided the students with the tools they needed. We believe the needs of every student are valid, and support may take different forms depending on circumstances.

Join us in providing students with school supplies and tools by donating to CYS today!

Note: CYS is currently not paying for these student’s university tuition fees, they receive scholarships from another NGO