Phanit’s Bachelor’s Degree

We are all aware that education is key to success. However, this key doesn’t come for free. In a developing country like Cambodia, hundreds of thousands of ambitious adolescents are unable to enroll in university, because they can’t afford tuition fees. This forces them to stay in the poverty cycle, being only able to work for low-income jobs for the rest of their lives, and struggling to get by.

Phanit graduated high school more than a year ago. He moved to Phnom Penh and took up work in quality control at a garment factory, hoping to be able to earn enough money to afford higher education and fulfill his dream of enrolling in university. However, he was soon left discouraged once he realized, that his monthly salary was just enough for him to get by each month. Thomlang – Cambodian Youth Support stepped in to ensure the 20-year-olds education. We covered his English classes all year in preparation for his enrollment in an English-language Bachelor’s program in Business.

Read his story in his own words below!

My name is Phanit. I am 20 years old.
Now I am studying at the University of Cambodia and my major is Business Management. I am on the international track, which means that all of my lessons are in English. I chose to enroll in this major because I think it will help me to improve my English and it will give me the knowledge that I need to become a businessman in the future. Furthermore, I think that studying at a university is the most important decision that I’ve made because it is the only way that my family and I can escape from poverty.

I am the first person in my family who studies at university. I have big hopes for my future. But I really need help from an NGO because I have no possibility to cover the tuition myself. My family also cannot support me, because my parents are farmers and don’t have enough income to help me. I have older siblings, but none of them studied, so they also don’t earn a lot at their jobs.

In the end, I would like to say that I am really excited to be able to study at university. I want to thank you so much that you are helping me so much.

I wish you all the best,

CYS covers Phanit’s tuition at the University of Cambodia and will provide him with all the school supplies, that he needs. We will also help him in the future to find internships, that match his interests and will further his education.

Support ambitious Cambodian students on their path to an educated future by donating to CYS today!