Supporting an Aspiring Teacher Through University

According to USAID, 77 percent of rural Cambodian households rely on agriculture, fisheries, and forestry for their livelihoods. These families are extremely vulnerable to climate change-induced changes in weather patterns, and 45 percent of Cambodians live in moderate or severe food insecurity. Somnang’s family is one of those families. Having grown up in a remote village in northern Cambodia,...

From High School to Law School

Through previous blog posts, you have already grown familiar with Yean’s story. Yean grew up with his older sister Srey Nek and his single mother, who lost her job in 2021 and was therefore unable to continue to pay for her children’s high school tuition. The then 16-year-old would have had to drop out of 10th grade and take up work to support his mother. Fortunately, thanks to your...

Srey May’s & Chovey’s Graduation

Earlier this year, the University of Management and Economics in Sihanoukville held a big graduation ceremony to reward graduates from the past two years with their official degrees. This included two of our students, Chovey and Srey May, who completed Bachelor’s programs in Accounting and Management respectively. Throughout the years, we were able to use your donations to cover both girls’...

Phanit’s Bachelor’s Degree

We are all aware that education is key to success. However, this key doesn’t come for free. In a developing country like Cambodia, hundreds of thousands of ambitious adolescents are unable to enroll in university, because they can’t afford tuition fees. This forces them to stay in the poverty cycle, being only able to work for low-income jobs for the rest of their lives, and struggling to get...

Voeng’s University Enrollment

After graduating high school in 2019, Voeng, who is an orphan, felt the need to join the workforce right away in order to earn money and be able to provide for himself.  However, throughout the following three years, he soon realized that it was becoming increasingly challenging to find a stable job with a reliable income in Cambodia without a degree. After losing his job at a small Khmer...