School Supplies for 400 Children

In the past two years, we were already able to successfully implement projects that benefited primary school students in rural Kampot. Whether it was funding the construction of a hand-washing station and water filter, repairing the roofs of students’ bathrooms and covering the costs for other necessary maintenance, or building a sports field, it has always been important to us to support rural communities and help create a healthy learning environment for Cambodian children.

This year, we were able to continue this kind of community work. We held meetings with the principals of two primary schools, the Teb Vimean Primary School and the Ang Ponleu Primary School, and listened to what they currently needed the most: school supplies for their students.

We used your donations to purchase notebooks, pens, and pencils at a local store and distributed those supplies to a total of 430 children from first to sixth grade. These supplies are crucial for the learning progress of this age group, as they are still learning to read and write in Cambodian and need to memorize the Khmer and English alphabet.

Support Cambodian children's education by donating to CYS today!